Qualia NAD+ Ingredients

Qualia NAD+ Ingredients

What is Qualia NAD+?

Qualia NAD+ is designed to provide support for optimizing NAD+ levels in adults, regardless of age. It does this by doing a combination of things that make it unique to the market.* 

Redundancy is a characteristic feature of complex systems. Qualia's renowned approach to complex systems made us uniquely talented at the task of aiding the intricate processes underlying NAD+ production. We see this redundancy in our cells, which often have more than one way to do important tasks or make critical molecules. NAD+ is one of these critical molecules. It is so important to cellular function that there’s more than one way to make it. Qualia NAD+ combines NIAGEN® nicotinamide riboside, with niacin and niacinamide. Cells use these three precursors in different ways to make NAD+. We wanted to make sure they had a supply of each.* This is one way Qualia NAD+ is different than most other NAD products.

We use three precursors, raw material building blocks, to support the redundancy cells rely on to make NAD+. But turning raw materials—NIAGEN®, niacin, and niacinamide—into a finished product like NAD+ requires cellular work. Specific enzymes do this cellular work, catalyzing reactions, allowing one molecule to be made into another, speeding them along on their journey, and ultimately converting the raw materials into NAD+ molecules.  So, Qualia NAD+ was formulated to support the work needed to transform NIAGEN®, niacin, and niacinamide into NAD+ by supplying Coffeeberry®, resveratrol, magnesium, and the entire family of B-vitamins. Other NAD+ boosting supplements ignore this cellular work; Qualia NAD+ makes supporting it a priority.* 

Cells don’t just make an NAD+ molecule once, from a precursor like NIAGEN®, niacin, and niacinamide, and call it a day. NAD+ is made; it’s shifted into and out of different forms; and it’s broken apart and recycled. And, these are done over and over again. NAD+ has many jobs to do in cells. Some of these jobs cause it to be made into different NAD-containing molecules. And, other jobs consume the NAD+ molecule, leaving parts of it as leftovers, which will need to be recycled to optimize NAD+ levels. Making NAD, simply put, is not enough. We need to support it in being made into other molecules, and we need to recycle leftovers. We call this making and remaking, and it is another area that separates Qualia NAD+ from the competition.* 

A mix of precursors to build NAD+ in different ways; support for the cellular work needed to transform the precursor nutrients into NAD+; and attention to both making and re-making NAD+: these are the three areas that will help you take your NAD+ to the next level.* But what is NAD+? Why should you care about it? 

Cells rely on NAD+ to carry out several hundred metabolic functions! It is a major node, or hub molecule for cellular function, mitochondrial performance, and healthy aging (1). Think of NAD+ as having some major jobs, plus many more minor ones. Major jobs include energy creation, cellular protection and detoxification, maintaining healthy DNA, and fueling cellular stress-response pathways. Whether it is the major or minor jobs, the NAD+ molecule is central to cellular and mitochondrial health. In a very real sense, it allows them to perform in a more youthful way.*

If we want our cells to be healthy, especially during more stressful circumstances, we also want to make sure they have sufficient NAD+. And, trust me, we want our cells to be healthy. A cell is fundamentally a unit of life. We are built out of cells. Our health and our vulnerabilities are created from the health or caused by the vulnerability of our cells. Boosting NAD+ levels supports them in being healthier, and in being less vulnerable to stressors of all types.*

Here’s where the problems enter the picture. No matter what our age, when cells are put under more duress—stress of any type—it taxes the NAD+ pool. Cells will attempt to upregulate NAD+ production to adapt to stress. But, simply put, scientific studies strongly suggest we may not always have the resources needed to meet the demand.* This is problem number one.

Problem number two has to do with aging. There are twelve proposed Hallmarks of Aging. These are characteristics of aging shared by all organisms. Several of the proposed hallmarks—mitochondrial dysfunction, genomic instability, deregulated nutrient-sensing, stem cell exhaustion—are known to be directly impacted by NAD+ availability (2). But these may be the tip of the iceberg: it’s been proposed that declines in NAD+ may contribute to all of the Hallmarks of Aging (3)!*

Some people have suboptimal NAD+ levels at younger ages. Many of us will experience a sharp decline in NAD levels by around thirty years of age. The vast majority of people in their 40’s are relatively low in NAD+ compared to a healthy 20 year-old. If you're 50+ years old or older, you likely have about half or less of the NAD+ levels you had when you were younger in at least some of our tissues (4, 5). The decline in NAD+ with age is so consistent that it has been proposed as a biomarker of aging (1, 6, 7). Declines in NAD+ also appear to be a leading indicator of declines in mental and physical performance (8, 9).*

When cells are faced with metabolic stress, they’ll try to make more NAD+: Qualia NAD+ was created with the ingredients to make sure they’ll have the resources to do so. When we are older, our cells have less NAD+ to draw on than when we were younger making them more susceptible to at least some, and maybe most of the Hallmarks of Aging: Qualia NAD+ is designed to help you close the gap, to have more youthful NAD+ levels at any age.*

Does it work? Does Qualia NAD+ boost NAD+ levels? You’ll see “N of 1” used within the biohacker community to mean a person’s individual self-experiment. So, I’ll share my N of 1 with Qualia NAD+. I took two capsules daily, first thing in the morning, for 20 days, and used Jinfiniti Precision Medicine’s Intracellular NAD® Test to check my before and after NAD+ levels. What happened? My levels were enhanced by 156%.* With the caveats that this was not placebo-controlled, and simply an N of 1 self-experiment, Qualia NAD+ did what it was designed to do for me.*† 

There’s another phrase you’ll see used in the biohacker community: Your mileage may vary (YMMV). Chances are, your result won’t be the same as mine. Individual responses to NAD+ boosting have varied quite a bit in human studies. You’ll almost certainly get different mileage than I did. In all likelihood, your change in NAD+ levels will be less than mine—until we’ve conducted a placebo-controlled study (which is in-progress), I assume my response was an outlier, an atypically large response.* With that in mind, I want to share with you what ingredients were included in Qualia NAD+ and why. 

A Few Notable Studies About the Ingredients in Qualia NAD+

Don’t just take our word for it. These are a few publications from scientific journals highlighting some of the Qualia NAD+ ingredients.

NIAGEN® increased whole blood NAD+ levels by 48% over 8 weeks (Pubmed 31278280).*

Caffeine (found in Coffeeberry®) supported the ability of nicotinamide riboside to elevate NAD+ in several types of cells (Pubmed 34838432).*

Niacin and niacinamide are used to make NAD+ in the liver (Pubmed 4338650)*

A low dose of trans-resveratrol supported liver and kidney health (Pubmed 31316594).*

Aquamin® Mg is a bioavailable form of magnesium (Pubmed 30018220).*

B-vitamins are essential mitochondrial nutrients involved in converting food into cellular energy (Pubmed 30809153).*

Qualia NAD+ Ingredients

NIAGEN® (nicotinamide riboside chloride)

Your health starts with your cells; their health creates your health. Scientists have known for decades that a coenzyme called NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) plays a vital role in hundreds of processes cells use to stay healthy. NAD+ is needed to create cellular energy (i.e., ATP). It supports cellular repair. It is involved in cellular protection—it is used to make molecules needed for antioxidant defenses and detoxification. It fuels a stress and nutrient-sensing pathway that cells rely on to adapt to their environment. It’s used in all of our cells, and it’s used by the trillions of microbes in our gut microbiome. NAD+ is indispensable for life.*

The essentiality of vitamin B3’s, their role in making NAD+, and the importance of NAD+ for healthy cellular function has been established for many decades. But in 2013, a scientific study acted as a tipping point, of sorts, causing an explosion of interest in strategies for boosting NAD+. What did the study find? It reported that raising NAD+ levels in old mice restored mitochondrial function to that of a young mouse (10). This “rejuvenation” of mitochondrial function in older mice was the catalyst for what has become hundreds and hundreds of scientific studies, almost all using what can be thought of as next generation forms of vitamin B3, nicotinamide riboside (NR) or nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN).*
[Note: NR is a dietary supplement, but the FDA’s current position is that NMN can not be lawfully sold as a dietary supplement.] 

Nicotinamide riboside has been known about for a handful of decades. Scientific interest in it took off after 2004, when it was discovered that nicotinamide riboside could be made directly into NMN by enzymes named nicotinamide riboside kinases (NRK for short)—the NMN is then made into NAD+ (11). Since our cells have these enzymes, it made sense that nicotinamide riboside might be a useful compound for boosting NAD+ in humans. This discovery also led to the creation of NIAGEN®, nicotinamide riboside chloride. Charles Brenner, PhD, the leading scientist when it comes to nicotinamide riboside, believes that where NIAGEN® really shines is in its unique ability to restore cellular balance in the face of metabolic stress.*

NIAGEN® is a patented, clinically studied, next generation vitamin B3. Over 75% of registered ongoing or completed nicotinamide riboside scientific trials use NIAGEN®. It has been by far the most studied ingredient when it comes to increasing the levels of NAD+ in humans. And, more than two-dozen human studies have used NIAGEN®, with many more studies in the works. We included 300 mg of NIAGEN® in a serving of Qualia NAD+, because this amount has increased NAD+ levels by an average of 48% in healthy and overweight adults over an 8-week period in a placebo-controlled study (12).*

NIAGEN® is a registered trademark of ChromaDex, Inc.

Niacin (as niacinamide and niacin)

The NAD molecule sits at the crossroads of mitochondrial energy production (i.e., ATP), cellular repair and signaling, and cellular defenses. Before the interest in the next generation vitamin B3’s—nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN)—exploded, the established way to support NAD+ levels was by supplementing the diet with what can be thought of as the original or “OG” vitamin B3’s, niacin (i.e., flushing B3) or niacinamide (non-flushing B3). Do these forms of vitamin B3 enhance NAD+ levels? Of course they do (13, 14). This has been known for almost 70 years. The main role of any form of vitamin B3 is to supply the “N” (i.e., nicotinamide) molecule used to make the larger NAD molecule. But different forms of vitamin B3 create the NAD+ molecules in different ways from each other (and in a different way than the nicotinamide riboside to NMN through NRK enzymes).* 

Niacin is also called nicotinic acid (NA), which when shortened leads to the niacin name (NIcotinic ACid + vitamIN). It was the 3rd of the B-complex family of vitamins discovered, hence its designation as vitamin B3. It’s been known for more than eighty years that nicotinic acid can be used to correct vitamin B3 deficiency, and since 1958 how nicotinic acid is converted into NAD+. Nicotinic acid is converted into NAD+ in three steps. This is known as the Preiss-Handler pathway (see HOW IS NAD+ MADE? PREISS-HANDLER PATHWAY). Like nicotinic acid, niacinamide (NAM; nicotinamide) was discovered in the 1930’s. It is part of the structure of all vitamin B3 coenzymes (e.g., NAD+, NADH, NADP, NADPH). It’s made into NAD+ in two steps, the second of which is shared by nicotinamide riboside—both niacinamide and nicotinamide riboside converge on NMN before being made into NAD+. This is called the salvage pathway (see HOW IS NAD+ MADE? SALVAGE PATHWAY).* 

Nicotinic acid and niacinamide, like nicotinamide riboside, are used to make NAD+. Why did we include all three in Qualia NAD+? Isn’t that redundant? The answer is yes, it is redundant, and that is precisely why we include all three. NAD+ is an example of a complex systems science principle called degeneracy, which can be thought of as biological redundancy, and essentially means having back up plans. The NAD+ molecule is so important that cells evolved different ways to create it. Cells in some tissues rely mostly on one way to make it, but cells in other tissues can prefer other ways. Why limit them to only one way when they are designed for several?*

We think it makes sense to take a complex systems science approach to supporting NAD+. Rather than supporting only one way, we support three different ways to make it. Having more options is a great thing in life and for our cells! We chose the 25 mg serving amount of nicotinic acid to be below the lowest amount that had been reported to cause mild flushing. And we added enough niacinamide to strengthen the overall NAD+ boosting support of Qualia NAD+. So when you think of Qualia NAD+, think of it as being the three-way solution to build and replenish NAD+ molecules. Cells don’t only use one form of vitamin B3 to make NAD+; they use all of them. We followed their lead.* 

Organic Coffeeberry® (28 mg caffeine) Whole Coffee Fruit Extract

Caffeine has been one of the more widely used and studied cognitive (i.e., nootropic) and exercise (i.e., ergogenic) dietary supplement ingredients. Neuroscientists group specific cognitive tasks into larger categories. One of these is called “complex attention.” Complex attention includes much of what a person means when they say they’d like more focus. It’s our ability to direct our cognitive resources where we want, for however long we want, while blocking out distractions. It also includes the capacity to respond quickly (i.e., reaction times and processing speed). Caffeine excels in promoting alertness and for tasks in the complex attention category (15).* But why is a nootropic ingredient in Qualia NAD+, a supplement intended to enhance the production of NAD+?

I’ve mentioned enzymes a few times. An enzyme is a biological catalyst. It speeds up the rate of a specific chemical reaction in a cell. Without enzymes to speed up reactions, life within cells would grind to a halt. Nicotinamide riboside goes through two enzyme steps in order to make NAD+. Niacinamide, likewise, goes through two enzyme steps. Niacin requires three enzyme steps. These three different precursors serve as raw materials to make NAD+. But enzymes do the work in speeding them on their way to NAD+. They all start by using different enzymes, but all three eventually converge on the same enzyme family called nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyl transferases (NMNATs). Humans have three NMNAT variants—NMNAT1, NMNAT2, and NMNAT3—all of which catalyze the production of NAD+. NMNAT1 is expressed widely in the body. NMNAT2 is predominantly expressed in the brain. NMNAT3 is also widely expressed but is highest in liver, heart, skeletal muscles, and red blood cells (16). It is NMNAT2, and the health of neurons, brain cells, that led to the inclusion of caffeine.*

Table 1: NMNAT Subtypes, Tissue Activity, and Nutritional Support

In reviewing scientific research on nicotinamide riboside, I happened upon a study title that indicated a combination of nicotinamide riboside and caffeine were used. I was intrigued. The gist of the study—this was an in vitro study to work out how things work—was that a combination of nicotinamide riboside and caffeine was additive when it came to restoring the levels of NAD+ in skin and brain cells (both astrocytes and neural progenitor cells) (17). What is the mechanism of caffeine? Caffeine positively modulates the activity of NMNAT2, an essential enzyme in NAD production, and does this most specifically in brain cells (17–19). Or, put another way, caffeine makes it easier for cells to do part of the work needed to change nicotinamide riboside, niacin, and niacinamide into NAD+.*

Why did we include caffeine? Our goal was to support the work needed to make NAD+. Caffeine supports this work in neurons. We are obsessed with supporting the brain; we are Neurohackers after all. Qualia NAD+ uses the same Organic Coffeeberry® found in Qualia Mind. We chose Organic Coffeeberry® whole coffee fruit extract, because it’s been standardized for caffeine, contains coffee polyphenols—polyphenols, as a rule of thumb support both mitochondrial performance and gut health—and is sustainably sourced from farms certified by Rainforest Alliance. We chose the serving size of Organic Coffeeberry® to supply 28 mg of caffeine. This amount of caffeine is just below what we usually consider the “nootropic” range of caffeine—50 to 200 mg—but is still within the range where caffeine supports cognitive performance and mood (20).*

Coffeeberry® is a registered trademark of VDF FutureCeuticals, Inc.


Trans-Resveratrol (trans-3, 5, 4'-trihydroxystilbene) is usually just called resveratrol. Plants make resveratrol as part of their response to pests, injuries, and environmental stressors like intense sunlight or drought. Why? Resveratrol functions as a plant defense compound. It is something plants make to protect themselves and become more resilient; it toughens them up, allowing them to survive in, and adapt to less favorable conditions. In animals and humans, resveratrol supports a similar type of generalized resistance to many types of stress—it appears to act like a cellular and mitochondrial adaptogen (21, 22). There are a few reasons why resveratrol may confer this resistance to stress.*

One reason has to do with the idea of hormesis. Hormesis is a characteristic of many biological processes. It stems from the observation that some things we are exposed to—exercise, oxygen, and sunlight, as examples—don’t follow a “more is better” rule. If we get too little exposure, we may not thrive. But, if we get too much, it may be toxic or cause a worsening of performance. A “just right amount,” within a range or “hormetic zone,” is the sweet spot, where best results occur. Many of the things we tend to think of as being stressful are actually hormetic; they stimulate helpful adaptations and better overall fitness when exposure is in low-to-moderate amounts. This brings us to resveratrol: it’s been proposed to be hormetic (23, 24). The general idea is that resveratrol may be akin to a mild cellular and mitochondrial stress, which causes them to adapt, toughening them up.

Another reason, one that overlaps with, but is somewhat different from hormesis, is called xenohormesis. Hormesis is incorporated within xenohormesis, but so is the idea that animals co-evolved with plants, and that certain plant metabolites may be sending “early warning” signals to animals. Resveratrol is found in grapes, berries, and peanuts, as examples. These plants make more resveratrol when their environment is stressful, impoverished, or deteriorating. When animals eat these plants, they may also be consuming information about the environment the plant was grown in. The increased resveratrol acts as a message to the animal, an advance warning, that the environment the plant was grown in wasn’t the most favorable, and that you better be prepared just in case your environment also becomes less favorable. The animal's response to this advanced warning is a wide range of cellular and mitochondrial adaptations that result in being better prepared for adversity (25).*

While hormesis and xenohormesis offer slightly different explanations, they both predict that more resveratrol, past a low-to-moderate amount, is not necessary. This is why there is 50 mg of resveratrol—a low-to-moderate amount—in a serving of Qualia NAD+ instead of a far larger amount: we don’t think more is better when it comes to resveratrol, and are concerned more past a certain amount may be unecessary. We included resveratrol, because it supports cellular and mitochondrial adaptations to stress, acting somewhat akin to a mild calorie restriction mimetic in terms of the many pathways and behaviors it modifies. And we included resveratrol because it supports an enzyme called NAMPT (26, 27), which is the first step in the NAD+ salvage pathway that converts niacinamide into NAD+ and central to re-making NAD+. We use a high-purity resveratrol made using an innovating natural yeast fermentation process.*

Aquamin® Mg (Magnesium Hydroxide from Seawater)

Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body and is vital for the functioning of all living cells. It’s used in more than 300 enzymes. It’s needed to make some neurotransmitters used in the brain (and the gut). Magnesium is essential for mitochondrial performance (about 1/3rd of intracellular magnesium is inside mitochondria) (28). Magnesium plays a large role in breaking down sugars (glycolysis), so is essential for energy metabolism. The bottom line is that magnesium has many functions within the cell, but the most prominent is being bound to ATP. It is this magnesium-ATP complex that is required to speed up the work of hundreds of enzymes. When it comes to doing cellular work, ATP doesn't act alone, it teams up with magnesium for its activity (29).*

ATP has been mentioned a few times earlier in this blog; it’s mentioned as something supported by both Niagen® (nicotinamide riboside chloride) and the older forms of vitamin B3 (niacinamide and nicotinic acid). Simply put, we need NAD+ to make ATP. This gets talked about quite a bit. What almost never gets mentioned is that we need ATP, specifically the ATP-magnesium complex, for much of the cellular work needed to make NAD+. Two enzyme steps are used to convert Niagen® nicotinamide riboside into NAD+: both require the ATP-magnesium complex. Two enzyme steps are also used to turn niacinamide into NAD. Both of these also rely on the ATP-magnesium complex. Three enzyme steps are used to transform nicotinic acid into NAD+. All three of them use the ATP-magnesium complex to catalyze the reactions (30). If we want to borrow some of the NAD+ and transform it into the NADP+ form, a form that supports cellular protection and detoxification mechanisms, you may have guessed, that also requires ATP.*

Scientists use “NAD+ metabolome” to refer to NAD+, all of the molecules used to make it, as well as the various forms the NAD+ molecule converts into. A 2018 scientific study—The Plasma NAD+ Metabolome Is Dysregulated in "Normal" Aging—reported that NAD+ declined with age. It also found that some other molecules in the NAD+ metabolome (e.g., NAAD, NADP+) declined with age. But other molecules within the metabolome were not decreased with age; they were increased (e.g., NAMN, NMN) (4). Huh? It was trying to figure out why this may be the case, and exploring each enzyme in the metabolome, that led us to uncover how important ATP is for building the NAD+ molecule and ensuring flux (or flow) through the NAD+ metabolome. Mitochodrial dyfunction, which includes a reduction in ATP production, is a hallmark of aging. Using an “ATP lens” the picture that emerges is that there may seem to be enough ATP activity to run the enzymes (i.e., do the work) to make the NAD+ metabolome function well as we get older.*

Why is magnesium in Qualia NAD+? Qualia NAD+ includes magnesium, because making NAD+, and a youthful flux through the NAD+ metabolome is utterly reliant on ATP, and ATP is reliant on magnesium for its activity. The ATP-magnesium complex is needed for (1) nicotinic acid to become NAD+, (2) Niagen® nicotinamide riboside to become NMN, and (3) NMN, whether made from niacinamide or Niagen® nicotinamide riboside, to become NAD+. We chose Aquamin® Mg because it is a bioavailable source of magnesium that contains lesser amounts of 71 other minerals (31) (many of which play roles in cellular and mitochondrial function). Aquamin® Mg is derived from the clean sea waters off the Irish coast. The Recommended Dietary Allowances for magnesium in adults varies from 310 to 420 depending upon age and gender. A majority of Americans of all ages fall somewhat short of this amount from the foods they eat (32, 33). We included magnesium in Qualia NAD+ to help bridge the gap between dietary intake and the recommended intake.* 

Aquamin® is a registered trademark of Marigot Ltd. of Cork Ireland. 

Fermented B Complex (from Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture)

Everything you do in life depends on the constant cycle of using and regenerating energy throughout your cells. A generalizable principle in biology is that nothing is more central to life and health than energy—energy metabolism governs everything! Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is the energy currency of cells. A cell can make and break ATP extremely quickly. A working muscle cell makes and uses about 10 million molecules of ATP every second! Each ATP molecule is recycled some 1000 to 1500 times per day. The human body turns over its weight in ATP daily. I mentioned how important ATP is for making NAD+ and for healthy flux through the NAD+ metabolome (and that we need NAD+ to make ATP).* But where does ATP come from? How do we get more?

The source of cellular energy for most life on earth starts with the sun’s radiation. The sun’s energy is trapped by, and stored in plants. Animals consume the sun’s energy by eating these plants. And, as omnivores, humans access the sun’s energy by eating plants, animals, or a bit of both. The bound form of the sun’s energy in plants or animals can be distilled down to hydrogen, and it is this hydrogen that’s ultimately our body’s fuel—carbohydrates and fats are essentially packages of hydrogen. NAD+ accepts these hydrogens, becoming NADH, and NADH carries the hydrogen (and its electrons) to the outer membrane of mitochondria where they are used to fuel the making of ATP.* 

Central to the story of ATP are these mitochondria and four linked energy metabolism pathways, all of which rely on NAD+. One of these linked pathways is “Glycolysis,” which breaks down carbohydrates and sugars. It starts inside cells and finishes in mitochondria. The other three linked pathways occur in mitochondria. One is called “Beta-Oxidation.” It breaks down fats for energy. Another is called the “Krebs Cycle.” The last linked pathway takes place in the folds (called cristae) of the inner membranes of mitochondria and is called “Oxidative Phosphorylation” (OXPHOS or electron transport) and is where the hydrogens being carried by the NAD molecule are finally used to fuel the production of ATP. These four linked pathways are what cells use to transform the stored energy in food into the ATP that fuels cellular work.*

B vitamins are a family of eight water-soluble vitamins. The body does not store them, so they need to be replaced daily. We included the full B-Complex family of vitamins in Qualia NAD+, because all B vitamins are essential for energy metabolism or mitochondrial function. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B5 support glycolysis (magnesium does as well). Vitamin B6 is used to convert glycogen (a storage sugar) into the glucose that is used in glycolysis. Vitamin B2, B3, B5, and biotin are required for beta-oxidation. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B12 and biotin (and once again magnesium) are needed for the Krebs cycle. And, vitamins B2, B3, and biotin (and once again our friend magnesium) support the final linked pathway, OXPHOS. While folate isn't used in energy production, it is essential for healthy mitochondria (34, 35).

We chose a B-vitamin enriched postbiotic yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to deliver fermented, more bioavailable B vitamins in a food matrix. During the fermentation process, the yeast is supplemented with specific levels of B vitamins, allowing the B vitamins to interact with, and be incorporated into the complexes the yeast would use to make its own ATP. And the gentle processing of the yeast preserves the minerals, ß-glucans, peptides, and nucleotides that naturally occur in nutritional yeasts. Supplying the B-vitamins in this form also means that the vitamins occur in the forms they would in metabolic pathways in our cells. Like us, as an example, yeast requires NAD+. And, also like us, it has multiple pathways for making it. This means that the vitamin B3 activity is spread through the entire NAD+ metabolome—building blocks, intermediate molecules, NAD+, and NAD+’s metabolites—are present in yeast (36). By choosing the  B-vitamin enriched postbiotic yeast to deliver fermented forms of vitamin B3, we are supplying a 4th way to make NAD+; a way that supplies the NAD-containing molecules in its many forms that occur in living cells. A serving of Qualia NAD+ is intended to augment the B vitamin content of the diet, supplying between 28-125% of the daily value, depending on the B vitamin.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Disclaimer: This result represents the personal experience of the author, and is not a guarantee, promise, or reflection of other users’ results.


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