Emmanuel A. reviewed Qualia Senolytic
I am not impressed at all. I feel nothing invigorating my system. I do not find it worthwhile trying it for another one more month.
Product Feedback
First day of taking product i had a slight headache but if dissipated as the day went on but i felt more alert and cognitive function was great. I ordered qualia Life 2.0 and can’t wait to try it!
Qualia senolytic
I think it a very good product but I don't understand this website and support I had a very difficult time and I don't understand the website 😕
More Energy To Live In The Flow
I noticed a major difference from my first once a month dose. More energy, clarity and overall I feel better. I getting ready to take my third dose and I’m excited to see what more this product can do for you me. I’m 59 years young! Thank you Neurohacker 😘❤️
Waiting to see results
Only on month two, still waiting to see noticeable changes. I’m optimistic that I will soon!