Articles in Healthspan

What Is Insulin? Understanding The Role of Insulin in Metabolism and Healthy Aging

What Is Insulin? Understanding The Role of Insulin in Metabolism and Healthy Aging

Insulin is a hormone produced by beta cells in the pancreas with a central role in the regulation of metabolism and cell energy reserves. The major metabolic action of insulin is to regulate blood glucose levels and to promote the storage of energy substrates as macromolecules that can be mobilized between meals or in contexts of high energy demand.

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How is NAD+ Made? De Novo Synthesis

How is NAD+ Made? De Novo Synthesis

Most organisms have several alternatives for producing the NAD+ molecule. In humans, there are three major NAD+ biosynthesis pathways: the De Novo Pathway, starting from the essential amino acid L-tryptophan; the Preiss-Handler pathway, using niacin (nicotinic acid); and the Salvage Pathway from niacinamide (nicotinamide). In this article, we’ll be covering the De Novo Pathway.

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Qualia Senolytic Pilot Study

Qualia Senolytic Pilot Study

During the development of Qualia Senolytic, Qualia put our newest healthy aging product to the test to find out how users would respond. 

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