Jim A. reviewed Qualia Night

over 3 years ago

Qualia Night helps prepare my body and mind for restful sleep

This is my first review of the Qualia Night supplement. I started taking it on December 11th as recommended. I have been taking 4 capsules for 5 days on and taking 2 days off. I've also been using blue-light blocking glasses and a sleep mask with the supplement. Wearing blue-light blocking glasses during the evening hours, taking the Qualia Night supplement a few hours before sleep, and wearing a sleep mask in bed have helped me have a soothing night of sleep. I feel like I'm getting more restful sleep instead of simply getting more sleep. I don't think there is one solution to help a person get better sleep. I think it's a matter of trying out different products, either individually or together, and feeling what works and what doesn't. I feel like Qualia Night works for me the way I'm taking it.

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