ALAN F. reviewed Qualia Mind Essentials

almost 5 years ago

Piano + work

Well, I'm still on the first month taking Qualia, I work with a lot of mental processes throughout the day and at work I didn't feel wow yet, but I use to play classical piano since a while in the week, and I noticed a higher absorption of information (memorizing) during the last times I've played, that really helped me out. I still have to take it for more than only 2 weeks to give you guys something more concrete. However, I'm liking it! Good first impression.. Negative point: I don't like to take 5 pills in the morning, its too much, could be just 1, but.. okay, I have to do my part also, right? ;)

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Christina E. January 18, 2021

I took it in place of my usual Qualia Mind caffeine-free. I noticed increased energy, more than usual which could be due to the caffeine in it. I miss the calming qualities of the Qualia Mind though. This product gave me sustained energy throughout the day and I got a lot more done this week compared to my usual routine. I “found my words” easier as well; sometimes I’m at a loss for the word im thinking about and I noticed this week I didn’t struggle with that which was amazing. Overall, I miss my Qualia Mind for the calming effects it gives my anxious personality but the Focus comes in at a close second! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate was fun!

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Tyler G. July 18, 2021

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Jack L. January 24, 2021

Very good product that gives my mind more motivation and energy. Everything seems clearer. My days have more direction!

Great Nootropic!

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John Stephen T. January 26, 2021

As advertised, I experienced a very noticeable improvement in focus, mental clarity, and overall mood. Qualitatively different than a caffeine boost, and more sustainable throughout the day.

Clear, Sharp, Present

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