Julian G. reviewed Qualia Senolytic | Beta Tester
I feel phenomenal after 3 months of taking the product! Didn't think it would be this good!
We’ll researched!
The ingredients are seemingly well researched and backed by science. Concerned a bit by the addition of soy but otherwise, quite happy with the blend and the dosing.Great packaging and logo and design. We’ll researched and studied ingredients. Cutting edge and next level!
Great first use
I felt more energized and placid.It was wonderful to be a part of the trial. I received good instruction and the product was simple to use. I did not experience anything negative with the entire process or the product.
Innovation drives success and Senolytic proves to be successful!!
Just one day after taking Senolytic I felt a measurable increase of movement in my joints and muscles. I am still seeing the benefits. I have great confidence in Qualia's ingredients and the science used for this innovative product.The packaging was extremely convenient. The dose was not overwhel...
First round !
Just completed my first round of Qualia Senolytic and I'm feeling fresh and energized , I'm excited to see what happens after a consistent few months