Henry H. reviewed Qualia Focus | Beta Tester

about 3 years ago

More energy

Happy more energy and clear headed

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Christie F. November 16, 2021

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I find using neurohacker focus gives me sustained mental energy throughout the day to get my daily tasks done. I am noticing not having a mid day drop and am able to stay focused on my work.

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Obed C. February 15, 2024

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I saw many nootropic reviews. Neurohacker the only one that I saw that did what they advertise and has no negative side effects. First month here I come and cheers to a productive lifestyle and God Bless.

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Geoff L. May 21, 2023

Increases focus, but with headaches

I noticed an increased tiredness on days off of supplement, and I developed headaches in the late afternoons on some, but not all, days while taking the supplement. Overall, I feel like it may have helped with focus, but the headaches and increased occurrences of irritation are not worth it to co...

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Michelle P. July 24, 2023


I love this product when I take I get really focused my mind opens up

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