Julian G. reviewed Qualia Focus | Beta Tester

about 1 year ago

Good product

It works really good and gives you no jitters!

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Jamar S. May 8, 2023


Focus all day long it's like i have a great edge while doing my task at my job and as well as my home.

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Troy C. November 25, 2021

Increased Focus

My job requires lots of focus. I noticed a increase in the first couple days. Highly recommend.

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Michael K. November 16, 2021

Mentally sharp throughout the day

Fantastic, I've noticed I make it longer through the day before experiencing brain fatigue, and at the end of the work day i'm not nearly as exhausted as I was before.

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Dylan D. February 5, 2023

Qualia Focus Shipping and Delivery

Item came super quick, and the order notifications from NH was superb!

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