Ankit G. reviewed Qualia Focus | Beta Tester
As the name says, Qualia focus truly delivers on improving the focus. After taking it kicks in after about 20 minutes and lasts for 3-4 hours. I get a lot of work done in those 3-4 hours compared to before when I was not taking Qualia focus. Highly recommended for days when motivation is low.
Fantastic for focus, concentration, and mental clarity
A positive experience of heightened mental clarity, focus, and concentration. I am able to focus for longer periods of time than usual, and I experienced sustained, heightened mental clarity throughout the day. My thought processes were sharper, clearer, and more analytical. Taking Qualia helped ...
In focus
I noticed the 1st few days that I was gettong more things done. meaning I was on task more easily. I guess I then got used to it, as I didn't seem to notice it as much. But then it must be doing something, because when I stopped, I felt something was missing. I t is a definitive difference.
Good for mood and focus!
I feel like it improved my mood, but the effects were not as noticeable as Mind. So I bought more Mind.