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Please sign up on our Partner Page and someone will get in touch with you.

We look forward to reaching out as soon as we're able regarding your application.

More Frequently Asked Questions

What is BSCG Certification?


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Does Qualia Mind contain anything on the Banned Substances list?


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Can Nootropics really make you smarter?

Actually, there is a wealth of research that supports nootropics having the ability to increase mental functions such as focus, memory, mood enhancement, motivation, neuroprotection, verbal fluency, as well as a lessening of anxiety. Certain supplements and chemicals enhance the way the brain communicates.

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Are you just another nootropic company that makes false claims?

The supplement industry is indeed the “Wild West” and there are a lot of snake oil salesmen out there with false claims and no ethical standards. Part of what inspired the creation of Qualia was in response to this exact problem.

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How do I contact Qualia?

Customer Support can be reached via email: [email protected]

You can also reach us by text/phone at 855-281-2328

Mon-Fri 10am-4pm EST for incoming calls / Mon-Fri 9am-5pm EST business hours

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Do you have a Wholesale Program?

We do indeed have a wholesale program and would love to work with you.

Our wholesale program allows, health & wellness business owners, physicians and practitioners the opportunity to provide customers and clients with Qualia premium products.

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How can I listen to or watch the Collective Insights podcast?

You can find the Collective Insights podcast on iTunes as well as any other platform where you find and listen to your podcasts by searching for "Collective Insights"

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What is the meaning behind the Qualia Logo?

Learn the meaning behind the Qualia logo.

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