Carmen P. reviewed Qualia Mind

over 4 years ago

Wish I would've found this sooner

It took me entering college and a very demanding degree to see my symptoms of my cloudy mind and my ability to wander off into lalaland during an important lecture or exam. I thought for the longest time I simply had to focus, or that I was being a bad student, but I knew that something wasn't right. I self-medicated with large amounts of coffee, 5 or 6 cups a day, to try to stay more alert and focused on my classes. My mom found Qualia this year, which happens to be my senior year, and I wish I would've found this product much sooner. I've been taking it for about 2 months now and have ordered more, it has helped me immensely with brain cloud and I feel like I woke up on the right side of the bed every morning. I will say that it has been an adjustment to take 7 tablets every morning but it is worth it. I usually take my two-day break during the week on Fridays and Saturdays because those days I have a really light class load or none at all. I recommend trying this product at least once, it is, in my opinion, worth every cent. P.S. I have limited my coffee intake to one 8 oz cup every morning.

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