Tyler P. reviewed Qualia Mind
I'm 75% finished with the bottle and can say I feel no different taking Qualia Mind than on the days I don't or before starting. This is completely surprising as every review I've seen raves about this product (Which makes you think...). My diet is clean, I exercise often, and I am usually sensitive to stimulants or supplements, which makes me even more disappointed to give this product a bad review.
Effectively Clears Brain Fog
I've had really bad brain fog recently and after taking Qualia Mind in the morning for a few days, it completely disappeared. Thanks Neurohacker!
Excellent Start to the Day
I take 5-7 pills every morning on an empty stomach as suggested. Digestion is roughly 20 minutes and then I am ready to start my day. My workload is very intense as a construction project manager. This supplement helps me maintain great focus with a clear view to be well organized and producti...