Jaron A. reviewed Qualia Resilience | Beta Tester

about 2 years ago

Great for Stress-Control and Staying on Task

This product definitely helped with my stress levels that would occur at work. During difficult times, I was able to stay calm and stay on task more efficiently than when I wasn't taking this product.

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kim r. July 24, 2022

Qualia Resilience excellent product

Qualia Resilience helped keep my life on an even keel during a very stressful time. I felt calm, able to handle the additonal challenges during unexpected circumstances at work and in my personal life. I am looking forward to adding this to my daily routine.

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Kelly B. November 14, 2023

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Gregory S. July 23, 2022

Works good!

I can’t say that I noticed a profound difference. Having said that, my wife told me that she noticed a difference in my stress response.

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