Tristan Harris

As a former Google design ethicist, Tristan is exclusively focused on the issues of how technology manipulates and steers human thinking and action– how the digital arms race to capture attention threatens the pillars of society – mental wellbeing, the healthy development of children, social community, and democracy (by the natural design of technology platforms rewarding propaganda, fake news, conspiracies and polarization without discrimination).

Learn More:

  2. Podcast: Tristan co-hosts Your Undivided Attention Podcast
  3. Article: WIRED-Tech Is ‘Downgrading Humans.’ It’s Time to Fight Back
  4. Video: TedX-How Better Tech Could Protect Us From Distraction
  5. Video: 60 Minutes-What is "Brain Hacking"? Tech insiders on why you should care

More from Qualia:

  1. Podcast: How Social Media and AI Hijack Your Brain