Qualia NAD+ Beta Study

Qualia NAD+ Beta Study

During the development of Qualia NAD+ we put our newest product to the test to find out how users would respond. Here’s what we did, and how participants responded.


Twenty healthy adults participated in the study. They ranged in age from 40 to 72 years old, and were a mix of males (N=11) and females (N=9). Directions were to take Qualia NAD+ first thing in the morning, with or without food, for 10 consecutive days. 

Prior to beginning supplementation, and after taking Qualia NAD+, participants completed questionnaires that asked about common challenges that occur with aging, including fatigue, mood, muscle aches, sex drive, and sleep.  

Total scores, as well as scores for 3 areas of performance—physical, psychological, and sexual—were calculated as a baseline and at the end of taking Qualia NAD+. Higher scores indicated poorer performance. So, in this study, decreasing scores would mean Qualia NAD+ supports the relief of common challenges that occur with aging. *


Participants felt better after just 10 days of taking Qualia NAD+†*

Participants were less impacted by common age-related challenges after taking Qualia NAD+. Total scores decreased (i.e., improved) by an average of 56% in the male and 59% in the female participants after 10 days of supplementing their diet once a day in the morning with Qualia NAD+.†*

Each of the 3 areas of performance improved after taking Qualia NAD+.

  • Physical performance scores decreased (i.e., improved) by an average of 55% in the male and 58% in the female participants.†*

  • Psychological performance scores decreased (i.e., improved) by an average of 51% in the male and 61% in the female participants.†*

  • Sexual performance scores decreased (i.e., improved) by an average of 61% in the male and 60% in the female participants.†*

Increased need for sleep, or often feeling tired, is an example of a physical performance challenge that commonly occurs with age. Participants were asked to gauge the extent to which they were affected by this from “None” (0 points) up to “Very Severely” (4 points). The objective is to obtain lower scores, indicating less impact from this issue. After using Qualia NAD+ for 10 days, average scores decreased (improved) by 63%. Furthermore, 85% (or 17 of the 20) of participants noted an improvement. Initially, seven participants considered this as something that severely impacted them; however, after 10 days of incorporating Qualia NAD+ into their diet, none of them felt it was a severe issue anymore.†*

Qualia NAD+ was Highly Rated and Well-Liked††*

After completing the study, participants were asked to rate their overall experience of taking Qualia NAD+. Answer choices were “Excellent,” “Good,” “No Effect,” “Not Good,” and “Awful.” Nineteen of the 20 (95%) participants rated Qualia NAD+ as “Good” (11/19; 55%) or “Excellent (8/19; 45%).”††

Participants were also asked about their interest in buying Qualia NAD+. Eighteen out of 20 (90%) said “Yes,” they’d want to buy this product.††


†Although these results are highly encouraging, they are not statistically significant and the study was not placebo-controlled. Larger, controlled studies will be required to confirm the findings. Based on baseline and final aging symptoms questionnaire responses.

††Based on proprietary health survey data.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and information on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this site is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please speak with an appropriate healthcare professional when evaluating any wellness related therapy. Please read the full medical disclaimer before taking any of the products offered on this site.

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